Winter tree maintenance is has its advantages

Here are just a few reasons why you should have your trees and shrubbery maintained during the cold weather.

  1. Visibility of Damage: the bare canopy during winter makes it easier to identify damage or defects in trees. Without leaves obstructing the view, you can assess the tree’s health and structural integrity more effectively.
  2. Hazardous Limbs: removing dead or weak limbs during winter is crucial for safety. Snow and ice can add weight to branches, making them more prone to breaking. By pruning these branches in winter, you reduce the risk of limb failure during adverse weather conditions.
  3. Dormant Season Pruning: some tree species benefit from pruning during the dormant season. Pruning in winter, when the tree is not actively growing, can minimize stress on the tree and promote faster healing of wounds.

Let the experts handle your tree care maintenance this winter. Contact Aerial Tree Services today at 403-293-3416 for a FREE estimate.