When a Tree Gets Too Big

Aerial Tree Services removes large trees to bring in the sun

Trees are beautiful and big trees have a presence all their own but sometimes big trees can take over your entire world.

This giant spruce has out grown it’s yard. It had become so massive that it was blocking the light from the entire front of the home and consequently the interior always seemed dark and cold. So,  for their to be space and light on this property and in the home Aerial Tree Services had to remove it.

Taking down the tree was the easy part. Once the tree was down came the cleanup hundreds of pine cones along with sap filled branches made the chipping job messy.

Finally we ground down the stump and removed the sawdust leaving this front yard open to the day light once more.

Give us a call at 403-293-3416 to bring the sunlight back into your home.


Arborists Perform High Wire Act

Aerial Tree Services certified Arborists Practice Safety

It looks like Calgary’s Aerial Tree Services are walking a thin line when hanging from some high over head limb. Our job is removing branches either for trimming or in preparation for removal of the tree.  For those on the ground looking up this may look like a high wire act but it only appears that way.

All Aerial Tree Services employees are certified arborists who are fully licensed & insured.

We take every precautions for the safety of our crew and those around us. Whether we are removing a tree, a giant trunk or planting new saplings, safety is priority #1.

Get your tree service done right and safe. Contact us for a FREE Estimates and all Calgary Tree Service Information. 403-293-3416




Aerial Tree Services Calgary Zoo

Areal Tree Services at The Calgary ZooKeeping your limbs out of the Lions mouth.

Aerial Tree Services are at the Calgary Zoo removing a huge poplar tree at the Lions enclosure. This job had it’s challenges for our arborists.

This giant tree was beside the Lions enclosure and while the Lions were kept behind bars while we worked, they were in close enough proximity that their roar’s and demeanour toward us in their space was intimidating.

We had to be specifically careful with the removal of the upper branches to not let any falling limbs land in adjacent enclosures where they could injure other animals.

While the Zebra seemed not to care we made sure that Aerial Tree Services took the time to keep everyone safe.

Have a tricky tree trimming job? Give us a call for information on tree removal in Calgary.


Why Use Winter Tree Services

The advantages of winter tree pruning.

Have you ever wondered Why Use Winter Tree Services or if it’s ok to trim your trees or hedges in the winter. You probably have but weren’t sure if there were negative side effects to using a tree service or arborist in the winter months.

Here are just a couple of examples of why you should have your trees and shrubbery maintained during the cold weather.

  • A bare canopy allows you to see damage and tree defects.
  • Certain species require dormant season pruning like Elm trees.

Want to find out more of how hiring Aerial Tree Services in the winter can benefit your trees and the look of your property?

Check out our great winter savings program and book your Aerial Tree Services work to be done between January & March 2020 and receive 15% discount on your final bill.

Winter Ad
Total Winter Tree Care for Calgary Properties

Reasons you should be winter pruning.

A bare canopy allows you to see damage and tree defects.
Certain species require dormant season pruning like Elm trees.


Book your Aerial Tree Services work to be done between January & March 2020 and receive 15% discount on your final bill.

How to Take Down a 100 Foot Poplar

Aerial Tree Services Takes Down a One Hundred Foot Poplar Tree

Aerial Tree Services for Residential & Commercial Calgary Properties

When your taking down a one hundred foot poplar tree you need to know what your doing.

The potential for property damage is huge so an experienced arborist is critical.

Trees are usually trimmed and pruned for one or more of these purposes: safety, health or aesthetics.

Aerial Tree Services Ltd. has been serving Calgary and surrounding areas with year round tree care for over 32 years so we have the expertise to get the job done right.

Get a Free Estimate or give us a call for any tree service you may have.


News & Updates

Welcome to Aerial Tree Services News

Aerial Tree Services for Residential & Commercial Calgary Properties

Aerial-Tree-Services-Calgary-TestimonialsThis is a place to drop by when you have a minute. A place to come for Aerial Tree Service news and updates about our services, what we’ve been up to lately, and much more…

If you’d like to speak to us about a FREE, no obligation estimate for any of our tree services such as Tree Pruning, Shrub & Hedge Trimming, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Land Clearing, or any of our many other quality services, get in touch by using one of the methods on our contact page.

We look forward to working with you.